The Wings of Eagles, Revisited
2/14/2004 Parashat “Yitro” Exod. 19:3-6 Isaiah 6:1-8 1Pet 2:9,10 In January of 2021 I was scheduled to read this very same parashah I am reading today: Exodus 19:3-6. The Eagles were ending a miserable 4 -11-1 season, played in the isolation a Covid-emptied stadium. My wife of 38 years had just had extensive emergency surgery to remove cancerous tumors. Due to Covid no one was allowed to even visit their loved ones in the hospital. The sick were dying in forced isolation. I was about to leave for services to read from the Torah, when the hospital finally answered my dozen calls with the worst possible news: the beginning of the end. I cancelled my Torah reading. Of course. Linda passed away six brave and gruesome months later, full of faith, at peace with God. But for us, a great loss. I wrote an article about the experienced that was front paged in the Times of Israel. I felt I knew the meaning of t...