Jacob the Striver becomes Israel the Overcomer
Jacob the Striver becomes Israel the Overcomer "Vayishlach" - “And he sent” Gen 32:24-28 2-12-24 Have you ever felt utterly alone? Such a moment is how this defining moment in the history of faith in the living God begins: יותר יעקוב לבדו - "And Jacob was left alone" Yaakov, is suddenly, for all his successes, finds himself utterly alone. I hadn’t thought about it till sitting in services prepared to read this portion. Suddenly, I felt utterly alone as well. It would have been Linda’s and my 40th anniversary. I was a bit overcome, and didn’t know if I’d really be able to speak. I think scripture is like that sometimes. It comes and finds you right where you are. Yaakov was about to have an overwhelming encounter as well. He was utterly alone. He realized that all could be lost. Everything. Yakov struggled for position even in the birth canal, he s...